Wednesday, October 26, 2016

3 Bonus Income Keys…

We want to be able to use your bonus income to help you get a mortgage.
However, here are three big guidelines to be aware of for us to be able to count your bonus income:
1) We can’t use bonus income or overtime income unless you can prove you have been receiving this income for 2 years.
2) The employer has to indicate that the bonus or overtime income will likely continue.
3) We will use a two year average of bonus and/or overtime income. So, if you got alot this year, but not last year then we will have to use an average of both years.
That’s it for today!
I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

News On USDA Loans…

small-brett-picHere is an interesting change regarding Manufactured Housing with the USDA program.
We were previously restricted to only being able to purchase new Manufactured Homes off the lot with USDA loans. In other words you couldn’t use a USDA loan to purchase an existiing manufactured home already on land.
Now you can purchase existing mobile homes with USDA loans!
If ya got one – let me know.  I can help you!
That’s it for today!
I hope you have a great day! Thanks for reading!