Monday, September 30, 2013

FHA Tip, VA Tip, And Rate Tip. …So, Three Tips…

brett1 209x300 FHA Tip, VA Tip, And Rate Tip.  ...So, Three Tips...I wanted to remind you of some FHA changes going into effect in a couple of weeks…
All FHA case numbers pulled after October 15 must include a payment for collections totaling in excess of $2,000.
We either have to take 5% of the aggregate balance for the payment, or you will have to negotiate your own payments we each account holder.
…and, really if you are thinking of buying a house with an FHA loan I would do it now.
This is because if you wait until mid October it will likely be too late. (We can’t pull a new case number without a contract and a property address)
Another quick VA tip… Did you know that I can go down to 560 on VA.? …Yep!
Rate Tip… The threat of a government shut down looms large. This tends to have a negative impact on the stock market. Look for more money to move into bonds, which will have a positive impact on mortgage rates.
That’s it for today!
Have a good day today! …and thanks for reading.
To see if you qualify for a mortgage right now – CLICK HERE and fill out this simple application.
To sign up for my weekly mortgage quick tips – CLICK HERE.

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