I have written about this before, but it's important so I wanted to touch on it again...
I want to talk to you about the impact of disputed accounts on Conventional loans.
There’s two ways you get a disputed account.
…either you dispute the account yourself with the credit bureaus.
…or, you higher someone to dispute the account for you.
When your credit is pulled the prospective lender will see that your account has been “disputed”.
Automated underwriting will either recognize the “dispute” and ask you to verify it’s not yours, or remove the dispute.
You will have to remove the dispute. This can be time consuming, and it can also be tricky.
Here is a link with a letter that you can use to remove your disputed account. …use it in good health! …and, good luck.
If you need help, or more advice on how best to get the disputes off – please give me a call or shoot me an email.
That’s it for today!
Have a good day! …and thanks for reading.
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