Tuesday, September 18, 2018

When It's Not In Your Best Interest To Refinance...

Good Morning!
This may sound funny coming from a mortgage guy, but sometimes it's not necessary to refinance your mortgage to reduce the number of years left on your mortgage.

I have to tell people sometimes that it just doesn't make sense to refinance. The drop in rate isn't significant enough to warrant the costs of the refinance.

...but, what do these people do when they want to refinance to reduce the number of years on their mortgage?

One simple thing you can do is simply pay more each month on your current payment.

I'll give you an example...

On a $100,000 30 year mortgage - if you just add $120 to your payment every month you will pay your mortgage off in 20 years.

...If you add $250 to your payment on a $100,000 30 year mortgage you would pay the mortgage off in 15 years.

That's it for today!

...by the way, if you know of someone needing to be prequalified for a mortgage loan - I appreciate your referrals!

Thanks for reading! ...and, have a great day!


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