Wednesday, May 14, 2014

News On USDA, And A Life Tip For You…

brett1 209x300 News On USDA, And A Life Tip For You...I have some news for you on USDA loans…
The Agricultural Act of 2014 (Farm Bill) changed the standard by which communities are to be considered “rural” for the purposes of USDA Housing Programs.
Certain areas deemed ineligible for the USDA Section 502 Guaranteed Rural Housing Program (main USDA loan everyone uses) have become eligible as of May 6, 2014.
Here is the wording that specifically affects update maps…
“If the population of a community did not exceed 35,000 based on 2010 Census and is rural in character, it may be newly eligible.”
You can check the USDA map in your area by clicking here.  Then click on Single Family Homes.
Off topic tip for you…
One of the best feelings life has to offer is an uncluttered mind. This state isn’t easy to achieve.
They say that we can only remember 7 things at any one time. Once number 8 comes in – then you will forget something else.
This creates stress when you are trying to remember all these things. We’ve all experienced panic when we suddenly remember something we were supposed to do, but completely forgot about it.
The way to solve this is to learn to use task lists.
When a thought pops into your head that involves you having to do some task – write it down.
Once your mind trusts that you have a system in place for capturing these thoughts then it will allow you to forget about them once you write them down.
When you have time you work on your task list.
The result is an uncluttered mind.
That’s it for today!
Have a good day! …and thanks for reading.

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