Good Morning!
If you are needing a bump in your credit scores in order to get qualified for a loan - I have a cheaper option for you...
Let's face it, if you want to get higher credit scores you really only have two options...
1) You can work on your credit scores yourself.
2) You can hire someone to work on your credit for you.
When you do it yourself it's easy to feel lost. You don't really know what to do to get your scores up quickly.
If you hire someone - it can be very expensive.
Here's a cheaper alternative for you...
We subscribe to a service called Credit Xpert. It knows the scoring model for each bureau. It will look at your credit and give you specific steps you can take to quickly bump your scores up.
...let me give you a recent example of how it works: I had a borrower that had a 595 mid score. We needed a 620 score to get him qualified on the program that was best for him.
We ran Credit Xpert on him. It gave one suggestion - that he pay down one of his accounts to $14. He did this, and we did a Quickscore to quickly update his score. ...within 4 days his score went up to 626. he's buying a house.
There are three costs associate with this process you need to be aware of...
1) An updated credit report would cost $20.
2) The Credit Xpert costs $19.99 per borrower.
3) If we need to do a Quickscore - Kroll charges $30 per trade line / per bureau.
...It's a lot cheaper than hiring someone.
If you're interested in this - just shoot me and email or call me and let me know. it's quick and easy to run.
I hope you have a good day today. Thanks for reading!
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