If you live in Dallas / Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin, or San Antonio, and you want to buy a house for no money down here’s a way to do it!…
There is a little known program from the department of Rural Development that allows for 100% financing.
We use this program often in my office. …In fact, we closed one just last week.
This Rural Development home loan program is easy to qualify for, and has very low rates.
There are two catches you should be aware of…
1) There are geographic restrictions. If the house is too close to a big city it won’t qualify for this program.
…but you would be surprised you can still live very close (suburbs) to these cities and be eligible for this program.
Take a look at the maps of your city and see how far out you have to go to be geographically eligible for this program. …Click here to see the maps.
2) There are income restrictions. You can make too much money for this program.
If you want to know if you qualify income wise for this program there are two things you can do… …You can let me check for you, or you can check yourself.
If you want to check yourself you can click this link and follow the prompts: Click here…
Real estate has started appreciating again and is projected to continue. However, there are still good deals out there.
If you have been thinking about buying a house – now is the time to do it! …and, this is a good program to use to purchase one!
That’s it for today!
Have a good day today! …and thanks for reading.
To see if you qualify for a mortgage right now – CLICK HERE and fill out this simple application.
To see if you qualify for a mortgage right now – CLICK HERE and fill out this simple application.
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